Qorshaha Caafimaadka Bulshada ee Washington Medicare Advantage Plans Qorshaha Caafimaadka Bulshada ee Washington Medicare Advantage Plans

MA Dual Plan (HMO D-SNP)

Qorshayaashayada Medicare Advantage Dual Plans (HMO D-SNP) waxay siiya daryeel dheeraad ah oo loogu talagalay labada xubnood ee xaqa u leh.

MA Dual Plan (HMO D-SNP)

Our MA Dual Plans (HMO D-SNP) are for people who are enrolled in Medicare and are eligible for full or partial Apple Health (Medicaid) benefits.

The Dual Complete and Dual Select Plans provide additional benefits like daawada dhakhtar qoray, ilkaha, aragti, Iyo maqalka coverage. Dual Complete also includes a monthly over-the-counter allowance for health products.

Whether you qualify for Dual Complete (“full dual”) or Dual Select (“partial dual”) depends on your level of Apple Health benefits.

Click below buttons to learn more about our MA Dual Plans.
Dual Complete Labada Xul

Behavioral Health Services Only (BHSO)

Some BHSO members who have Medicare as their primary insurance may be eligible for CHPW’s Medicare Advantage (MA) Dual Complete plan. Dual Complete combines your BHSO coverage and your Medicare coverage all under one plan. Plus, it gives you valuable extra benefits like dental and vision to ensure your total health is taken care of. All at $0 cost to you.

Most Apple Health (Medicaid) members get their physical and behavioral health coverage through an Apple Health managed-care plan like CHPW. But there are some Apple Health members who get their physical care through Apple Health’s “fee-for-service program,” where Apple Health pays doctors and providers directly for their services, or through alternative coverage such as Medicare. For these members, the Behavioral Health Services Only plan provides Apple Health coverage for mental health care and substance use disorder treatment (together, this is referred to as behavioral health care).


Have questions or not sure if you qualify for a Dual Complete or Dual Select plan? Call us at 1-800-944-1247 (TTY: 711), 8 a.m. – 9 p.m., 7 days a week.


Ku Jira Dusha Daawadaada

Haweeney la wareegaysa rijeetoMa ogtahay in dawooyinka dhakhtarku qoro qaarkood loo heli karo sahay 90 maalmood ah? Daawada aad u qaadatid muddada-dheer si aad u maamusho caafimaadkaaga waxaa loo yaqaan "daweynta dayactirka." Qalab 90-maalmood ah ayaa kuu sahlaya inaad sii wadato qaadashada daawada aad u baahan tahay inaad sida ugu fiican dareento. Waxaad sidoo kale xaq u yeelan kartaa inaad ku hesho daawooyinkaaga muddada-dheer adoo u maraya bixinta guriga oo lacag la'aan ah.



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